OK, I know how this looks. Maybe I should explain...
It all started when I wanted to apply for the first Boulez Academy in Lucerne in 2004. For the ones who don’t know: it is a youth orchestra/summer academy focusing only on contemporary music, it was run by Pierre Boulez and coached by the members of the Ensemble Intercontemporain. There was a concert program for the symphony orchestra, two concert programs for the large ensemble and several chamber music concerts in between. All contemporary music.
So, in addition to the audition tape, we were required to write down a list of all the contemporary pieces we ever played (I guess a bit of experience was welcome, since there was a lot of music to learn in a short time).
Anyway, I tried to recall every piece I played; it was about 20-30 pieces altogether, so it wasn’t very difficult to remember. The application was accepted, I went to Lucerne, had a great time, met some amazing friends and we decided to put together a band and do a concert at the festival next year (the festival bosses were fine with that, but they did tell us we had to apply to the academy next year in order for our concert to be approved)
After that summer, I enrolled in the Ensemble Modern Academy, and began playing full time with the Ensemble Phoenix in Basel; so when the time came to reapply to Lucerne in 2005, the list had already doubled in size. I found the old document in my computer and added all the new pieces I played in the meantime, so I can send another application. This time I kept the file on my computer desktop and began adding the pieces as soon as I played them, because you never know when I might need it again.
I obviously never needed it again; but still continued to keep track and add to the list, I guess as a kind of hobby. I don’t know if this will come across as impressive or insane (probably the latter); but after 18 years I decided to at least publish the list here, just so it wasn’t a total waste of time (and also all this name-dropping could bring me a few additional clicks from the google search, which is nice).
So, there you have it. Nearly 600 pieces in total, with over 200 premieres (marked with an asterisk).
It all started when I wanted to apply for the first Boulez Academy in Lucerne in 2004. For the ones who don’t know: it is a youth orchestra/summer academy focusing only on contemporary music, it was run by Pierre Boulez and coached by the members of the Ensemble Intercontemporain. There was a concert program for the symphony orchestra, two concert programs for the large ensemble and several chamber music concerts in between. All contemporary music.
So, in addition to the audition tape, we were required to write down a list of all the contemporary pieces we ever played (I guess a bit of experience was welcome, since there was a lot of music to learn in a short time).
Anyway, I tried to recall every piece I played; it was about 20-30 pieces altogether, so it wasn’t very difficult to remember. The application was accepted, I went to Lucerne, had a great time, met some amazing friends and we decided to put together a band and do a concert at the festival next year (the festival bosses were fine with that, but they did tell us we had to apply to the academy next year in order for our concert to be approved)
After that summer, I enrolled in the Ensemble Modern Academy, and began playing full time with the Ensemble Phoenix in Basel; so when the time came to reapply to Lucerne in 2005, the list had already doubled in size. I found the old document in my computer and added all the new pieces I played in the meantime, so I can send another application. This time I kept the file on my computer desktop and began adding the pieces as soon as I played them, because you never know when I might need it again.
I obviously never needed it again; but still continued to keep track and add to the list, I guess as a kind of hobby. I don’t know if this will come across as impressive or insane (probably the latter); but after 18 years I decided to at least publish the list here, just so it wasn’t a total waste of time (and also all this name-dropping could bring me a few additional clicks from the google search, which is nice).
So, there you have it. Nearly 600 pieces in total, with over 200 premieres (marked with an asterisk).
TRUMPET SOLO (+ solo with electronic)
Mark Andre: iv 6a+b Richard Barrett: calyx Luciano Berio: Sequenza X Luciano Berio: Gute Nacht Harrison Birtwistle: Antiphonies from the Moonkeeper Arturas Bumšteinas: Musikaliszer Pinkos Sylvano Bussotti: Solfeggio in Re della Regina John Cage: Music for… Aaron Cassidy: What then renders these forces visible is a strange smile Friedrich Cerha: Der Rattenfänger Srđan Dedić: Seven Trumpets Edison Denisov: Solo Franco Donatoni: Short Robert Erickson: Kryl Zoran Erić: Slike haosa VII* Ivan Fedele: High Morton Feldman: A very short trumpet piece Michael Finnissy: Moon’s going down Stanley Friedmann: Solus Dai Fujikura: Inkling Aleksandar Gabryś: Pax, Freunde, Pax* Peter Gahn: Mitsu Na Vinko Globokar: Echanges HK Gruber: Exposed throat Morton Feldman: A very short trumpet piece Georg Friedrich Haas: ...aus freier Lust...verbunden… Georg Friedrich Haas: I can't breathe Jan Haderman: Wicker Work Bryn Harrison: Mantra Jonathan Harvey: ricercare una melodia Jonathan Harvey: other presences Hans Werner Henze: Sonatine Adriana Hölszky: WeltenEnden Chikage Imai: transcendent Kazumasa Ishiguro: Solo* Eres Holz: Mach Klaus Huber / A. Digby: Ein Hauch von Unzeit Klaus K. Hübler: Finale und kurzes Glück Tom Johnson: Tileworks for Trumpet Mauricio Kagel: Atem Mauricio Kagel: Morceau de Concours Mauricio Kagel: Old/New Otto Ketting: Intrada Istvan Láng: poco a poco dim. Kamilló Lendvay: Két cappricio* György Ligeti: The Big Turtle-Fanfare from the South China Sea Liza Lim: The wild-winged one Witold Lutosławski: Tune Yann Maresz: Metallics Peter Maxwell Davies: Litany for a Ruined Chapel… Olga Neuwirth: Laki Helmut Oehring: Philipp Matthias Pintscher: Shining Forth Henri Pousseur: Flexions II Folke Rabe: Shazam! Horatiu Radulescu: Abyssal Falls for Eternal Shepherd Einojuhani Rautavaara: Tarantará Rebecca Saunders: Blaauw Giacinto Scelsi: Quattro Pezzi Giacinto Scelsi: Maknongan Giacinto Scelsi: Ixor Bojidar Spassov: fiato continuo IV Sebastian Stier: Windflüchter I Karlheinz Stockhausen: Oberlippentanz Karlheinz Stockhausen: Solo Toru Takemitsu: Paths Antoine Tisne: Emotions Jennifer Walshe: This Is Why People O.D. On Pills Ying Wang: Noctilucent* Stefan Wolpe: Solo Piece CHAMBER MUSIC / SMALL ENSEMBLE Vykintas Baltakas: RiRo Vykintas Baltakas: Unvollendete Siavosh Banihashemi: Siganeh 21* Bojan Barić: Trigonometrija* Richard Barrett: Codex I Richard Barrett: Codex III* Richard Barrett: Codex XII* Richard Barrett: Codex XXI* Richard Barrett: ON* Richard Barrett: pauk* Richard Barrett: šuma* Tamara Basaric: Ki* Luciano Berio: Call Alban Berg: 4 Lieder op. 2* Pierre Boulez: Initiale Theo Brandmüller: Nyrwana-Fax lll* John Cage: Four 6 John Cage: Five John Cage: Radio Music John Cage: Variations VIII John Cage: And what about the noise of crumpling paper.. Cornelius Cardew: Material Cornelius Cardew: Treatise Cornelius Cardew: Paragraph 6 from the Great Learning Se-Lien Chuang: half a century* Peter Maxwell Davies: Sonata op. 1 Edison Denisov: Con Sordino Dubravko Detoni: Fanfaronitis Lucia Długoszewski: Angels of Inmost Heaven Klaus Dorfegger: 5 Skizzen in verschiedenen Malstilen* Pascal Dusapin: Attacca Pascal Dusapin: Stanze Einar Torfi Einarsson: non-vanishing vacuum state* Johannes Erdmann:Torso* David Brynjar Franzson: On types and typographies* Stanislava Gajić: Pesma Koridona* Bernhard Gander: Dirty Wings Erin Gee: The Left Wing Of Inhale No. 37 Morton Feldman: Projections 2 Morton Feldman: 2 pieces for 6 instruments Morton Feldman: Piece for 7 instruments Morton Feldman: Routine investigations Ludmila Frajt: Nocturno* Jurg Frey: Fragile balance Vinko Globokar: Influence Liquide Henryk Górecki: Kleines Requiem für eine Polka Sofia Gubaidulina: Trio Sofia Gubaidulina: Quattro Robert Gutmann: Piombo Cinque* Roman Haubenstock Ramati: Konstellation 3 Chikage Imai: Osmosis Phoneme Charles Ives: From The Steeples And The Mountains Tom Johnson: Infinite Melodies Tom Johnson: Rational Melodies Andre Jolivet: Heptade Mauricio Kagel: Morceau de Concours Mauricio Kagel: Fanfanfaren Mauricio Kagel: con voce Toshihiro Kameyama: Proverb I* Ernö Kiraly: Actiones Ernö Király: Crno belo prema Kandinskom Jonas Kocher: Belonging* William Kraft: Encounters III Thomas Larcher: Uchafu* György Ligeti: Mysteries of the Macabre Jose Manuel Lopez Lopez: Lituus Arthur Lourie: Regina Coeli* Witold Lutosławski: Mini ouverture Sanda Majurec: Le pivert* Patrick Marcland: Eclipsis Đorđe Marković: Sketches* Đorđe Marković: Interferences* Đorđe Marković: Monohromi* Jug K. Marković: Snake Fiction* Janez Matičič: Fusions* Shotaro Matsunami: Concertino* Isabel Mundry: Geträumte Räume Sonja Mutić: svi tvoji svetovi* Svetozar Nešić: Exa* Ljubomir Nikolić: Tesla’s visions* Emmanuel Nunes: Impromptu pour un voyage I Branka Popović: Lines and circles* Kirsten Reese: Wirblingen Signale* Roger Reynolds: from behind the unreasoning mask Huang Ruo: to the Four Corners Rebecca Saunders: Company Rebecca Saunders: Disclosure Rebecca Saunders: Stirrings Steffen Schleiermacher: com.pact in.takt Matthew Shlomowitz: Letter piece #4 Valentin Silvestrov: Trio Nikos Skalkottas: Concertino Nikos Skalkottas: Quartett No.1, 2 Tigran Stambultsyan: Image de vie / instant d'éternité* Karlheinz Stockhausen: Tierkreis Karlheinz Stockhausen: Japan Karlheinz Stockhausen: Wach Teodora Stepančić: Blindfolded hangman Igor Strawinsky: Fanfare For A New Theatre Mark Anthony Turnage: Let to Dorotea Vejnović: Glass Train* Kevin Volans: Trumpet and String Quartet 2* Caspar Johannes Walter: Reigen Anton Webern: 3 Lieder Op. 23* Anton Webern: 2 Lieder Op. 8 Andreas Weixler: blech das – idem aeneum* Christian Wolff: Trio No. 1 Stefan Wolpe: Quartet no. 1 Charles Wuorinen: Natures Concord Iannis Xenakis: Linaïa-Agon Frank Zappa: Big Swifty Frank Zappa: T-Mershi Duween Agata Zubel: Labyrinth Nebojša J. Živkovic: Born To BeAT Wild ORCHESTRA Marc André: ...auf... II* George Benjamin: Palimpsests Nimrod Ben Zeev: Le Pommier de la Rue Tabazan* Christophe Bertrand: Mana* Harrison Birtwistle: Earth Dances Cedric Bosson: rassemblement* Pierre Boulez: Notations No. I, II, III, IV, VII Brice Catherin: Musician’s voice* Musheng Chen: Nine bracketed with ONE* Brett Dean: Water Music Márton Illes: Scene Polidimensionali V* Charles Ives: Three Places in New England Morton Feldman: Coptic Light Dai Fujikura: Stream State* Eric Gaudibert: L'echarpe de Iris Eric Gaudibert: Melodie sans fin Vincent Gillioz: Cache* Heiner Goebbels: House of Call* Martin Grütter: Allheilmittel* Hanspeter Kyburz: Noesis György Ligeti: Lontano Philippe Manoury: In Situ Ivan Marković: Diwali* Martin Matalon: Spinning Lines* John Menoud: Go on G* Luigi Nono: Il canto sospeso Matthias Pintscher: Towards Osiris Silvestre Revueltas: Homenaje a Federico Garcia Lorca Wolfgang Rihm: Vers une symphonie fleuve IV Arnold Schönberg: Klavierkonzert Op. 42 Matthias Spahlinger: passage/paysage Aleksandra Stepanovic: Zrno* Dragos Tara: deslizar* Ludovic Thirvaudey: weinen, klagen, sorgen, zagen* Edgard Várese: Ameriques Smiljana Vlajic: Opus alchemicum* Tao Yu: Hommage a Eric Gaudibert* Daniel Zea: Eric cara de tigre* Bernd Alois Zimmermann: Nobody knows the trouble I see Isidora Žebeljan: Konji svetog Marka STAGED Louis Andriessen: De Materie George Benjamin: Written on skin Alberto Bernal: Passión* Rudolf Bruči: Katarina Izmajlova Gérard Buquet: Images de Passage* Fabrizio Cassol/Giuseppe Verdi: Macbeth* Nodar Tchanba: Pinnochio* Peter Maxwell Davies: The Lighthouse Dejan Despić: Pop Ćira i pop Spira* Hanns Eisler: Die Massnahme Arturo Fuentes: Carlotas Zimmer* Beat Furrer: Begehren Vinko Globokar: LABORATORIUM Heiner Goebbels: Songs of wars I have seen Vladimir Gorlinsky: Hymns and Laylas of Mascow Securalism* M. Heep-M. Turkmani: l'Orient n'existe pas* Hans Joachim Hespos: Seiltanz Toshio Hosokawa: Hanjo Toshio Hosokawa: The Raven Chikage Imai: Synecdochism II <continuity> Michael Jarrell: Cassandre Dragana Jovanović: Zeniteum* B. Koblenz-H.K. Daadelsen: Orpheus Membran* Thomas Larcher: Das Jagdgewehr* Bernhard Lang: Mondparsifal Beta 9-23 M. Laskowski - M. Fankha: Luminosa* Wolfgang Mitterer: Crushrooms* Olga Neuwirth: Lost Highway Helmut Oehring: GUNTEN* Helmut Oehring: Unsichtbar Land* Wolfgang Rihm: Die Eroberung von Mexiko Fausto Romitelli: An Index of Metals Lucia Ronchetti: Narrenschiffe* Salvatore Sciarinno: Luci mie traditrici Matthew Shlomowitz: Electric Dreams Igor Strawinsky: L'histoire du Soldat Mikis Theodorakis: Zorbas Gregory Vajda: Zauberberg* Kurt Weill: Die Dreigroschenoper *- Premiere |
Michel van der Aa: Here (in circles) Hans Abrahamsen: Wald Omri Abram: Time passes time* Wanja Aloe: kjdsahfhfWph f078zRt2 puavh 9f 82 r p* Oren Ambarchi: The Counterlife* Dieter Ammann: pResto sOstinato* Dieter Ammann: réseau de reprises George Antheil: Jazz Symphony Louis Andriessen: Workers Union Milton Babbitt: All Set Sandro Balzarini: 4000 Ellen Kontrollverlust in die Offenbarung* Marius Baranauskas: Trapezium* Tamara Basaric: Krypte* Tamara Basaric: Superionic Water* A. Baticci - R. Zalech: Bird of paradise* George Benjamin: Three Inventions George Benjamin: At First Light Alban Berg/arr. Henneberger: Lied der Lulu/Adagio* Gary Berger: Turbine* Luciano Berio: Calmo Luciano Berio: Kol Od Luciano Berio: Re-Call Luciano Berio: Beatles Songs Oscar Bianchi: Trasparente 2 Oscar Bianchi: Mezzogiorno Jörg Birkenkötter: Getrennt-Untrennbar Harrison Birtwistle: Secret Theatre Harrison Birtwistle: Panic! Antonio Bonazzo: Pollonia* Matej Bonin: Shimmer II* Johannes Boris Borowski: Inseln, Studie 2* Pierre Boulez: …explosante-fixe… Pierre Boulez: Répons Augustin Braud: Cathédrale* Alex Buess: APSIS* Alex Buess: Maxwell's Demon Alex Buess: Parallaxe A John Cage: Concerto for Prepared Piano Teresa Carrasco Garcia: Telas, Araňas y Elefantes* Aureliano Cattaneo: Sabbia Aureliano Cattaneo: Violinkonzert* Enrico Chapela: Lo nato es neta* Antoine Chessex: Metakatharsis* Friedrich Cerha: Für K. Friedrich Cerha: Relazoni fragili Carlo Ciceri: Mare marginis* Victor Alexandru Coltea: Block Chain* Alan Courtis: Xenanthiostemia* Edison Denisov: Six Pieces for Brass Ensemble Bernd Richard Deutsch: Dr Futurity Andrew Digby: Chopin transcriptions* James Dillon: Once upon a time... Lucia Długoszewski: Fire Fragile Flight Paul Dolden: Shamanic sunshine* Franco Donatoni: Hot Pascal Dusapin: Cascando Hanns Eisler: Kuhle Wampe Cenk Ergün: Nasreddin* eRikm: Untitled* Aydin Esen: Scape-X* Mariano Etkin: Abgesang Mambo Morton Feldman: For Samuel Beckett David Fennessy: 13 Factories Brian Ferneyhough: Chronos-Aion Francesco Filidei: Partita Christopher Fox: drift+drag* Andreas E. Frank: How to pronounce Alpha* Patrick Frank: Responsorium* Fred Frith: Energy Crisis* Dai Fujikura: Fifth Station Beat Furrer: Still Beat Furrer: FAMA Szenen Beat Furrer: canti della tenebra* Beat Furrer: linea dell'orizzonte Demetre Gamsachurdia: Mais le ciel restait silencieux* Bernhard Gander: Take Death Evan Gardner: Automata Evan Gardner: Erstarrung Anthony Gatto: Wise Blood* Frank Gerhardt: Hände-Wüste* Roberto Gerhard: Leo - Chamber Symphony Malte Giesen: Surrogat/Extension* Jannik Giger: Clash 1 / Clash 2 Heiner Goebbels: Samplersuite Jim Grimm: Kammerkonzert lll* Gérard Grisey: Periodes Gérard Grisey: Megalithes Gérard Grisey: Perichoresis Gérard Grisey: Quatre Chants Pour Franchir Le Seuil Gérard Grisey: Sortie vers la lumiere du jour Gérard Grisey: Jour contre jour Gérard Grisey: Le Temps et l’écume HK Gruber: Frankenstein!!! Arman Gushchiyan: _non-indifferente* Mats Gustafsson: Hidros 7 - Zap Mats Gustafsson: Hidros o.T. ver.2* Mats Gustafsson: Plugs Extended Georg Friedrich Haas: Nacht Schatten Georg Friedrich Haas: Einklang freier Wesen Georg Friedrich Haas: damit... die Geister der Menschen..* Georg Friedrich Haas: Remix Georg Friedrich Haas: Wer, wen ich schrie hörte mich Georg Friedrich Haas: Ich suchte aber ich fand ihn nicht Jonathan Harvey: Sprechgesang* Jonathan Harvey: Round the star and back Benedikt Hayoz: von innen und aussen und darüber hinaus* Markus Hechtle: Blinder Fleck Matthias Heep: The Wake (rappresentazione III)* Arnulf Herrmann: direkt entrückt Tim Hodgkinson: under the void* Juliana Hodkinson: some reasons for hesitating Aram Hovhannisyan: Irae II* Lucas Huber: Schwelle* Ole Hübner: Drei Menschen, im Hintergrund Hochhäuser und Palmen und links das Meer* Ole Hübner: Masse und Bewegung 3* Philippe Hurel: Pour l'image Clara Ianotta: Troglodyte angels clank by Clara Ianotta: a stir among the stars, a making way Ilios: El anillo invisible que sujeta el mundo de la forma al mundo de la idea* Marton Illes: Scene Polidimensionali XVI - Körök Martin Jaggi: Jetlag 2* Martin Jaggi: Har* Mauricio Kagel: Divertimento? Mauricio Kagel: Kontra-Danse Alexander Kaiser: Feed me!* Andreas Kersting: fenn* Shahrukh Khajenouri: Oraman* Ehsan Khatibi: diesbezüglich* Marc Kilchenmann: Egregoros* Ernö Kiraly: Sonetto 114 Yair Klartag: Anisomorphism* Jonas Kocher: rough* Philippe Kocher: Projektionen I* Tobias Krebs: trycheln* Tobias Krebs: Treichle* Matthias P. Krueger: UmKurven* György Kurtág: Brefs messages Hanspeter Kyburz: Parts Hanspeter Kyburz: anceps Helmut Lachenmann: Mouvement (vor der Erstarrung) Helmut Lachenmann: Zwei Gefühle Helmut Lachenmann; Concertini Bernhard Lang: DW 24 - Loops for Al Jourgensen Klaus Lang: pytagorhäische fächer* Mauro Lanza: Vesperbild* Pierluca Lanzilotta: Versuch, eine tote Landschaft wiederzubeleben* Mikolaj Laskowski: Fiasko* Thomas Lauck: Oktett* György Ligeti: Klavierkonzert György Ligeti: Cellokonzert György Ligeti: Mysteries of the Macabre György Ligeti: Melodien Liza Lim: Veil Liza Lim: Extinction events and dawn chorus Magnus Lindberg: Corrente Magnus Lindberg: Ottoni Wang Lu: Backstory Wytold Lutoslawski: Chain I Fozie Majd: here and there* Tiziano Manca: nel labirinto Philippe Manoury: Musique II Svetlana Maraš: Funny obelisk* Benedict Mason: * Christian Mason: The years of light* Christian Mason: Layers of love* Ulrike Mayer-Spohn: fEP* Manu Mayr/ 5KHD: collisions and momentum* André Meier: nonlinear II* André Meier: [cross-] cuts/loops* André Meier: modular form* Hermann Meier: Plan* Francisco Meirino: Epidemic* Elena Mendoza Lopez: Akt-Zeichnung* Remigijus Merkelys: Compass Olivier Messiaen: Couleurs de la cité céleste Anita Mieze: ostensible fragility* Ole Hendrik Moe: Chromamesis* Sami Moussa: Kammerkonzert Johannes Motschmann: Attack decay Detlev Müller-Siemens: Phoenix I-III Detlev Müller-Siemens: Kommos Jan Müller-Wieland: Im Krieg Isabel Mundry: Im Fall* Sonja Mutić: Kontakt* Conlon Nancarrow: Study No. 6 Conlon Nancarrow: Study No. 7 Olga Neuwirth: Miramondo multiplo Phill Niblock: Exploratory. Rhine version (looking for Daniel)* Lucas Niggli: Play!* Bo Nilsson: Stunde eines Blocks Luigi Nono: Guai ai gelidi mostri Aleksander Nowak: Lo firgai-Mask* Samir Odeh-Tamimi: Hutaf Al-Arwah Samir Odeh-Tamimi: Cihangir Erik Ona: Ein Missverständnis von Stille* Marco Papiro: Vamos a la playa* Hector Parra: Chamber Symphony - Quasikristall Michael Pelzel: ...along 101...* Michael Pelzel: sempiternal lock-in Matthias Pintscher: bereshit Gwyn Pritchard: The Fruit of Chance and Necessity* Stefan Pohlit: Sieh, ich starb als Stein Alessandro Ponti: Matching Trains* Alessandro Ponti: Timescape No.1 * Enno Poppe: Speicher 1 Enno Poppe: Prozession Enno Poppe: Koffer Francesc Prat: Fresco* Żaneta Rydzewska: To my stars* Eleni Ralli: Rawit* Alberto Rampani: Punti e linee* Maja S. K. Ratkje: Now she smiles… No, she doesn’t* Einojuhani Rautavaara: Playgrounds for Angels Lou Reed/Ulrich Krieger: Metal Machine Music Silvestre Revueltas: Sensemayá Wolfgang Rihm: Silence to Be Beaten (Chiffre II) Wolfgang Rihm: Form/2 Formen Terry Riley: In C Yann Robin: Volcano* Steingrimur Rohloff: Optische Täuschung* Fausto Romitelli: Professor Bad Trip, Lessons II & III Poul Ruders: Kafkapriccio Kaija Saariaho:Solar Alessio Sabella: Hypnagogia* Hovik Sardaryan: Višap* Rebecca Saunders: Crimson (Molly's song) Rebecca Saunders: An Invisible Trace Rebecca Saunders: skin Giacinto Scelsi: Kya Giacinto Scelsi: Pranam I Benedikt Schieffer: sans souffle* Cristophe Schiess: Melatonie* Johannes Schöllhorn: Niemandsland Salvatore Sciarrino: Introduzione all' oscuro Salvatore Sciarrino: Mozart Adagio KV 356 Salvatore Sciarrino: Il sogno di Stradella Maxim Seloujanov: Das sichtbare Richterscherzo oder 45 Briefzirkel zur niederreissung der Venus* Elnaz Seyedi: zwischen(t)räume* Emre Sihan Kaleli: Adjacent rooms, a part of a labyrinth* Martin Šmolka: Nocturne* Diana Soh: Cross-sightedness* Johannes Maria Staud: Violent Incidents Simon Steen Andersen: Chambered Music Karlheinz Stockhausen: Kontra Punkte Igor Strawinsky: Octet Marco Stroppa: From needle's eye Toru Takemitsu: Garden Rain Dragos Tara: Escape room* Vladimir Tarnopolski: Eastanbul Peter Tilling: Introitus* Marcelo Toledo: Luminous Emptiness* Javier Torres Maldonado: Figuralmusik IIa* Manfred Trojahn: Les dentelles de Montmirail* Nicolas Tzortzis: ... De l' intérieur éternel terrestre* Galina Ustvolskaya: Symphony 2 Galina Ustvolskaya: Symphony 3 Gabriele Vanoni: chiaroscuro* Edgard Varése: Octandre Edgard Varése: Desérts Edgard Varése: Integrales Edgard Varése: Dance for Burgess Jasna Veličković: Ombre.. moi non plus* Jasna Veličković: Kiseonik* Francesca Verunelli: Five songs - Kafka’s sirens Lois V Vierk: Red Shift Claude Vivier: Et je reverrai cette ville étrange Claude Vivier: Pulau Dewata Jennifer Walshe: /and jump from the golden gate bridge Ying Wang: Focus Overlap* Anton von Webern: Konzert Op. 24 Kurt Weill / Luciano Berio: Surabaya Johnny Kurt Weill: Chansons des Quais Kurt Weill: Suite Panaméenne Deqing Wen: Piping and drumming Lars Werdenberg: fall up-climb down* Christian Wolfarth: das was übrig bleibt* Stefan Wolpe: Piece for piano and 16 instruments Stefan Wolpe/Geert van Keulen: Suite from the 20s Iannis Xenakis: Thalleϊn Iannis Xenakis: Phlegra Iannis Xenakis: Jalons Iannis Xenakis: Epicycles Iannis Xenakis: Kraanerg Hiroyuki Yamamoto: Noli me tangere Arash Yazdani: Acoustical Modellings* Emanuele Zabelli: nuvole* Frank Zappa: The Beltway Bandits Frank Zappa: The Black Page #1 & #2 Frank Zappa: Revised Music for Low Budget Orchestra Frank Zappa: Echidna's Arf (of you) Frank Zappa: Don't You Ever Wash That Thing? Frank Zappa: Uncle Meat Frank Zappa: Dog Breath Variations Frank Zappa: Be-Bop Tango Frank Zappa: Get Whitey Frank Zappa: Outrage at Valdez Frank Zappa: G-spot tornado Z'ev: no time but the presence* Bernd Alois Zimmermann: Metamorphosen Bernd Alois Zimmermann: Rheinische Kirmestänze Yiqing Zhu: Deep Blue* Agata Zubel: Ulicami ludzkiego miasta Vito Žuraj: Relief Vito Žuraj: Runaround *- Premiere Vertical Divider